Disabling persistent chat in Sametime 11.x

In one customer situation I had the request to disable the new ( and great ) functionality of the persistant chat.

Well, you have to install the MongoDB during the installation of the Sametime Community Server but can disable the need of the MongoDB afterwards by going through the following steps:

First you have to change the value for chatlogging in the stconfig.nsf in the Community Services:

Then change the value from “relax” to “off”

Now we have to do some modifications in the SAMETIME.INI ( located in the Domino Program Directory ):

First set the value for “ST_CL_MONGODB” from “1” to “0”

Afterwards search for “ST_BB_NAMES” and comment out the parameter ST_CHAT_LOG:

Now we have to disable the persistant chat for the Sametime client by modifying the “policies.user.xml” ( located in the directory %DominoProgramDirectory%/policies. Search for all occurances of “im.persistantChatEnabled” and modify the value for the “current-value” from “1” to “0”:

The last step is to disable the Chat Logging service and the service which is responsible for connecting to the MongoDB in the file “STCommLaunch.dep” ( located in the Domino Program Directory ):

Now you´re ready to restart the Sametime Community Server to apply the changes and to disable Chat Logging.

Important to know is that if you install an update the STCommLaunch.dep file will be replaced by the new installer !! So after an upgrade you have to recheck all of these steps to keep Chat Logging disabled.

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