Domino Backup to Windows Shares

In a customer environment I had the request to put the backups of Domino ( with the new feature Domino Backup which is really working fine ) to another Windows Share.

This share can only be accessed with a special logon account but I didn’t want to create a local backup and copy all directories to the Windows Share afterwards so I decided to use a CMD file on the Domino Server where I tried to map the Windows Share to a dedicated network drive. After some errors and the great help of Daniel Nashed I solved this issue the following way:

Created the needed CMD files ( map_network_drive.cmd and unmap_network_drive.cmd) with the following content:

net use q: \windows share\d$\domino_backup /user:username password

net use q: /delete

Afterwards you create your backup configuration and there you have to set the “Pre-backup command” and the “Post-backup command” to the type “CMD” where you enter the name of the 2 command files:

With this configuration I could directly redirect the Domino Backup to a Windows Share.


  1. Of course, you then also need to check if the user that the Domino service is running as has proper access to all resources on the server itself. I recommend piloting this on a test server.


  2. Actually, the answer is surprisingly simple. You just have to run the service as a user instead of under the SYSTEM identity. The SYSTEM identity has no acces to network shares, a service running as a user does. That is if the user the service is running as is authorized. It is what I use to let Domino background agents acces files shares. i have also used it to make a Domino backup on a file share.


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